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Writer's pictureJason Browning

Ministry Update from Jason Browning

CREATION101.ORG has been launched to teach the basics of creation science via a unique and interesting approach. One use of the site is to augment the contents of the Bible-Science devotional book being distributed during the Search for the Truth ministries school assembly tours, but the potential is for use world-wide by anyone.

  • Free

  • Simple

  • Organized

  • Mobile-friendly

Lessons are based on the Search For The Truth organization’s Explore the World/Pearls In Paradise book which is being distributed to over 100,000 high school students in Fiji and the Philippines (by 2020, with plans for much more), and which has already received a very positive reception both in these countries and in the USA.

Click HERE to check out all of our course options.

The lessons are simple (high-school level), but comprehensive. They are viewable in a day-by-day devotional format, or via areas of study (e.g. anatomy, biology, etc.). The optional registration allows students to track their progress.

Click HERE to check out a lesson.

Lessons are linked to some of the best web articles

for further study, including:

Each lesson also features a related Bible verse linked to BibeGateway for further study of the biblical context. There is a featured short course which presents the Gospel message and steps for Christian growth.

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from other important

creation sites.

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